The Public Consultation Project on Artificial Intelligence in Brazil

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The Public Consultation Project on Artificial Intelligence in Brazil seeks to answer the following question: What do we want from Artificial Intelligence?

ITS believes that this question must be addressed through a multistakeholder and participatory approach. The broad and unrestricted participation of society across its various sectors is essential for us to build a future where AI is regulated fairly and public policies are appropriately structured. With this goal in mind, in partnership with the Council for Artificial Intelligence and Society (CIAS), we are promoting a public consultation to gather contributions from academia, civil society, the public sector, and the private sector on what should be prioritized to ensure that AI drives social and economic development nationally, always in a safe and sustainable way.

the challenge

Before proposing any regulation or strategic plan, ITS believes it is crucial to understand what Brazil, with its vast societal plurality, aims to achieve with Artificial Intelligence. Therefore, it is necessary for Brazilian society, in its diversity of voices and interests, to actively participate in this dialogue. However, this participatory channel does not yet exist in the country, and it is essential to provide an opportunity for individuals and institutions to have their voices heard.

This is a decisive moment, marked by the emergence of generative AI and its potential transformative impact on all spheres of life. The outcome of this broad consultation will serve as the foundation for the collaborative development of concrete proposals that reflect the consensus and dissent on AI regulation and the definition of strategic plans. It is an invitation for all of Brazilian society to actively participate in building a technological future aligned with the country’s collective values and interests.

what we have done and plan to do

In partnership with the Brazilian Association of Internet (Abranet), the first stage of the project culminated in the formation of the Council for Artificial Intelligence and Society (CIAS). This body brings together figures from multiple social segments, reflecting our commitment to an inclusive and participatory process.

Shortly after the establishment of CIAS, ITS developed a digital public consultation platform. This tool was created to collect and organize society’s contributions on the topic. The opinions and ideas shared will be carefully analyzed and forwarded to the National Congress and other decision-making bodies, including the Ministry of Science, Technology, and Innovation (MCTI).

Additionally, the suggestions may serve as a basis for creating various content, such as academic articles, public discussions, specialized analyses, social media posts, and videos—always aiming to impact the national discussion on AI. The platform ensures that all contributions received are duly recognized, with a commitment to making every possible effort to ensure that society’s voices have the impact they deserve.