(Un)predictable future: first and second sessions
palestrantes Allison Burtch, Amalia Deloney, Amar Ashar e mais 3.
past event
As part of ITS Global Fellowship Program 2014, ITS Rio organized two lectures on the research projects developed by the fellows during their stay at ITS Rio. Read more about each session below:
First Session
How can we build better tools to engage society in an open and democratic way? ITS Global Fellows discussed this issue in 2014, presenting different case studies. Allison Burtch introduced “Dumbsto.re: the most inclusive mobile app platform ever”. Kate Krontiris explained the importance and applicability of ethnographic approaches for civic technology. Primavera de Filippi presented the talk “Reinforcing information security: initiatives that purport to preserve online civil liberties through the deployment of decentralized applications”.
Second Session
In this session, fellows explored topics concerning government, freedom and underrepresented groups in the age of Internet. Amalia Delooney spoke about ways to ensure that minorities participate in debates about the future of the web. Amar Ashar presented his views on the issue of engagement with multi-stakeholder communities. Malavika Jayaram presented the talk “Identity, freedom, choice and informational self-determination in the age of Big Data”.
Date: July 29th, 2014
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First Session

First Session

Second Session
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