Report | Sustainability in the Digital Age: Overcoming Challenges for SMEs and EMDEs



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To provide guidelines for enhancing the sustainability reports of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) and Emerging Markets and Developing Economies (EMDEs), ITS Rio, in partnership with FGV Direito SP and supported by the Institute for Climate and Society (iCS), has launched the report ‘Sustainability in the Digital Age: Overcoming Challenges for SMEs and EMDEs’.

The report consolidates the contributions presented in the Policy Paper published by the G20 Sustainable Finance Working Group (SFWG) and is based on expert discussions. It proposes two key improvements: the creation of more straightforward and accessible reporting standards for SMEs and EMDEs and the use of digital technologies to enhance the quality and accessibility of information.

Additionally, the document emphasizes the evolution of sustainability reporting discussions. The conversation has shifted from whether companies should disclose sustainability data to how this can be done more effectively. The report also highlights the potential risk of higher compliance costs for SMEs and EMDEs due to new regulations. Therefore, it is crucial to establish standardized frameworks and leverage digital tools to improve the quality and accessibility of sustainability reports, ensuring that these businesses can actively contribute to the transition towards a more sustainable economy.