Good ID

Strengthening appropriate uses of digital identity in the region


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The Good ID project aims to identify and promote appropriate uses of digital identification, focusing on the Latin American context, alongside research centers on two other continents, the Center for Internet and Society (CIS), in India, and the Center for Intellectual Property and Information Technology Law (CIPIT), Kenya.


The challenge

A historical challenge for national identification systems is to be inclusive. Twenty years ago, for example, Brazil still had 22% of people without birth registration, a similar or even more serious problem in other Latin American countries. The scenario has gradually changed.

The digitization of identity systems has aggravated the inclusion challenge. On one side, those without identity are even more excluded. On the other hand, digitization raises new challenges for the development of a robust identity system, including data protection and privacy.

What we did: 

Throughout the project, we analyzed four countries, in four different sectors as to guide decision makers to implement a complete identification system, which we call Good ID.

Good ID is centered on four pillars: privacy, user value, security and, inclusion as its foundation.

To demonstrate the application and potential of the Good ID concept in Latin America, we have produced an innovative report on the digital identity scenario in different countries, looking at sectors such as healthcare, digital government services, the financial sector and social protection.

We also created a series of supporting materials presenting our discoveries throughout the project, including introductory videos, articles, infographics and podcasts, besides, the report, available in three languages.



The project’s physical kick-off occured at RightsCon 2019, with all those centers involved. The reviews containing the standing points of each organization are available here. From there, we had monthly meetings with ON, CIS and CIPIT to understand regional dilemmas and learn from our different approaches.


In August 2019, we organized an event Varanda Digital identity: promises and challenges (Varanda Identidade digital: promessas e desafios) with specialists from the civil identification and registration sector in Brazil. We discussed digital identity and its role in face of traditional challenges, such as under-registration of citizens, the so-called undocumented, and Brazil’s complex document chain evidenced in Map of Information.

Check out ITS Cast: Varanda Identidade digital: promessas e desafios here (in Portuguese) and below vídeos summarizing the debate (available in English and Spanish).


Identity is dignity | Good ID ft. Fernanda da Escóssia

Fernanda’s doctoral research on undocumented adults in Brazil shows the meaning of inclusion by a more humanized approach, through the eyes of the undocumented. In this interview, she reports stories of brazilians in search of documents. The research reveals how they were in search of something much more than just documents, they were searching for an identity, a place in society. Watch this incredible story.


Identity for what and for whom? | Good ID ft. Raquel Chrispino

It is impossible to think of inclusive systems without thinking of accessibility. In this sensitive statement, Judge Raquel Chrispino, coordinator of actions for the under-registration eradication project, highlights how public policies in Brazil are mostly built from the perspective of the state or a minority of the population. Understand the importance of universalizing the right to identity.


What digital identity do we want? | Good ID ft. Claudio Machado

Cláudio Machado is a specialist in citizen identity management. In this interview, he discusses traditional identification systems for the future of digital identification in Brazil and worldwide. After all, what does history, international practices and the concept of Good ID have to add to the debate? What digital identification system do we want?



We conducted two workshops throughout the project. The first was in November 2019 on Digital Identity and Data Governance at the Digital Future Society Summit, at the global fair Smart City Expo. In May 2020, the Innovation team presented the workshop ID and Social Protection: ensuring inclusion or undermining rights? at the Global Digital Development Forum.

case studies

Throughout May and June of 2020, we evaluated how technological solutions were developed in Latin America in response to the COVID-19 socioeconomic and health crises. We analyze contact tracing applications provided by the government of Colombia, Peru, Ecuador and the Mexican state of Nuevo León. We also studied the case of Brazil, in the applications launched by Caixa Econômica Federal to help mitigate the socio-economic impact of the pandemic through unconditional cash transfers to informal workers.

Colombia’s CoronApp

Perú en tus manos

Mexico’s COVID

Brazil’s “Auxílio Emergencial”
& “Caixa Tem” apps



In July, we launched the project’s main product. The report Good ID in Latin America – Strengthening the appropriate uses of digital identity in the region. Based on a diagnosis of the region, we seek to promote an informed multi-sectoral dialogue on the uses and implications of digital identity in Latin America. Available in English, Spanish or Portuguese.

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