Pegabot in Digital Defense
Protecting Journalism and Activists from Professional Disinformation Attacks in Brazil
research area
what is the Project?
The project aims to support the protection of journalists, human rights defenders, activists, and NGOs against various types of digital attacks. We identify coordinated attack campaigns and professional disinformation efforts, assisting victims in seeking protection and access to justice.
The project is funded by the European Union, following a competitive call through which ITS was selected to develop innovative ways to use technology as an ally in protecting victims of online attacks.
Visit the website to learn more.
how does the project work?
Supporting victims of online attacks, such as organizations, human rights defenders, and journalists
The project involves monitoring and analyzing digital attacks, and providing access to justice. It also assists in gathering evidence to support defenses in cases of attack.
Capacity-building for public agencies, organizations, and vulnerable groups
The project promotes courses, forums, and lectures on best practices for monitoring, prevention, and supporting victims of online attacks for public agencies, social organizations, and third-sector groups.
Knowledge dissemination
The project aims to spread awareness about online attacks and the best prevention practices to society at large.
what are we working to achieve?
In a scenario where massive defamation campaigns, hate speech, dangerous rhetoric, and violent extremism do not turn the digital space into a minefield, we want to safeguard the online world from threats to human rights and freedom of expression. This project was designed and planned to enhance the capacity of civil society organizations, journalists, and human rights defenders to be protected by the state and to confront online attacks in Brazil.
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