Multistakeholder as Governance Groups

ITS Rio’s contribution to the publication “Multistakeholder as Governance Groups”


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Published in English

ITS Rio contributed with two case studies in the book Multistakeholder as Governance Groups, coordinated by Network of Centres (NoC) and Berkman Klein Center, at Harvard University. The first case study analyses Brazil’s Internet Bill of Rights while the second case study addresses the work developed by the Spam Working Group from Brazil’s Internet Steering Committee ( to combat the problem in Brazil.

The report is the result of a global research effort coordinated by the members of NoC and consists of twelve case studies about a range of governance structures around the globe, besides a summary that synthesizes the main points in each case. The research examines multistakeholder governance groups with the goal of informing the developments in Internet Governance ecosystems. Based on the principles of NETmundial, the document contributes to political debates at an international level, including the Forum on Internet Governance (IGF), NETmundial initiative and Social Economic Forum.