Age ratings: regional challenges

Research on the regional challenges of age ratings in Brazil


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Published in Portuguese

This research, developed by ITS Rio in partnership with the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), National Council for Scientific and Technical Development (CNPq), United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and the National Secretary of Justice, addresses the regional challenges of age rating in Brazil.

This paper explains the national process of age ratings, which arises within a complex system of TV stations, broadcasters, affiliated networks and other stakeholders. Besides this, Brazil’s territory is divided into a complex system of time zones. This article tackles these challenges by analysing a sample of open broadcast TV programming of five television networks, in different regions to explore solutions for them. In particular, the paper discusses the efficiency of the process of restricting time slots to inappropriate content to children and adolescents and explores the degree of engagement of affiliated networks to submit their regional products to this national process.