Evaluation: Broadband at Schools Programme

Analysis on the precarious situation of connectivity in Brazilian Schools and proposals for solutions


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Published in Portuguese

Broadband at Schools was a programme implemented by the government in 2008 aiming at connecting urban public schools until 2010. Since then, more than 60 thousand were connected, but there are considerable shortcomings to be overcome during the programme implementation.

This study analyses the results of the Programme to unfold unanswered questions about the improvement of connectivity in Brazil. According to the National Agency on Telecommunications (ANATEL) and the National Fund for the Development of Education (FDNE), more than five thousand schools remain without internet access due to the lack of infrastructure of service providers and the difficulties to solve issues of internal structure of the schools. Besides this, the monitoring of the speed determined by the Programme is unsatisfactory and lacks proper follow-up by the regulatory agency, which does not impose sanctions to the operators for the noncompliance of the law.

Through this document, ITS Rio demands ANATEL’s manifestation, as the organ responsible for the inspection of the contractual obligations of the operators so the principles of universality, equity and quality determined by the Programme are effectively accomplished, ceasing the resulting losses for the partial implementation of this public policy.