categoria: speakers
Pegabot in Digital Defense
Protecting Journalism and Activists from Professional Disinformation Attacks in Brazil Saiba Mais
Call for Applications: ITS Global Policy Fellowship Program 2025
The 9th edition of the ITS program is targeted at foreign researchers in the areas of technology... Saiba Mais
AI Development Model for the Brazilian Justice Ecosystem
The Experience of the Artificial Intelligence Operational Sandbox at the Rio de Janeiro Public... Saiba Mais
Result for the 2024 ITS Global Policy Fellowship Program
The Institute will convene researchers from different countries of the world for its Fellowship... Saiba Mais
Result for the ITS Global Policy Fellowship Program 2023
The Institute will convene eleven researchers from different countries of the world for its... Saiba Mais
Call for Applications: ITS Global Policy Fellowship Program 2024
The 8th edition of the ITS program is targeted at foreign researchers in the areas of technology... Saiba Mais
ITS Joins the Digital Public Goods Alliance
ITS to contribute to the Digital Public Goods Alliance’s mission to address the world's most... Saiba Mais
Climate Change Perception Among Brazilian Citizens in 2022
The third installment of this climate survey was unveiled during an online press conference on... Saiba Mais
Call for Applications: ITS Global Policy Fellowship Program 2023
The 7th edition of the ITS program is targeted at foreign researchers in the areas of technology... Saiba Mais
CopyrightX: ITS
A partnership with Harvard University and the State University of Rio de Janeiro (Uerj) Saiba Mais
AI in Cities: Perspectives from Brazil and Germany
The event takes place on December 6th at 11am on YouTube Saiba Mais
An application aimed at promoting civic consciousness and protecting personal data developed by... Saiba Mais
The Future of Money: Pix, Cryptocurrencies and the Digitalization in Finance
ITS holds an event in partnership with the Brazilian Internet Association (Abranet) Saiba Mais
Research Launch | Climate Change and Public Perception in Brazil
March 9th at 10:30 am (BRT) Saiba Mais
Disinformation Risks of Brazilian Online Media
Online event with live broadcast on youtube, September 16th at 10am (BRT) Saiba Mais
Workshop Summary on Artificial Intelligence Governance and Regulation
Document summarizes recent initiatives in Europe, the United States and Brazil on the subject... Saiba Mais
Post-Pandemic Digital Rights Initiative
Innovative guideline for Internet regulation based on key rights and principles. Saiba Mais
World Economic Forum Strategic Intelligence Platform
ITS collaborates with Strategic Intelligence Saiba Mais
Wikimedia on The Open and Collaborative Internet
Speakers Jan Gerlach and Sérgio Branco Saiba Mais
Economy and data protection perspectives
At Varanda ITS #69 we discussed data from different perspectives. Saiba Mais
UK-Brazil Data Protection Fellowship
Program of study in partnership with the Embassy of the United Kingdom. Saiba Mais
Hablatam: Digital Literacy and Misinformation among Young People
The Project Aims to Research the Relationship of Young People with Digital Technologies Saiba Mais
3rd International School of Law and Technology
Course held in July 2019 in Sao Paulo Saiba Mais
ITS Global Policy Fellowship
Program for some of the world's most promising researchers in the field of technology and regulation Saiba Mais
Connected Security Councils
A Partnership between Our Institute and the Public Sector to Create Civic Technology Saiba Mais
GOVTECH: Creating a Digital Agenda for Brazil
Event with 20 speakers and 400 participants from over 10 countries Saiba Mais
A Internet das Coisas
Eduardo Magrani addresses some of the challenges arising from the Internet of Things in his new... Saiba Mais
Global Symposium: Artificial Intelligence and Inclusion
The event is part of the Network of Centers (NoC) efforts Saiba Mais
BNDES – International Mission to New York and Boston
The institute's team connected the National Development Bank to New York and Boston organizations Saiba Mais
GovTech: studies and practices
Cooperation to build knowledge on governments and technology Saiba Mais
2nd International School of Law and Technology
A unique opportunity in Brazil to study today’s most relevant topics concerning the internet... Saiba Mais
Digital Rights in Latin America and the Caribbean
This book is a window into the current state of Latin American Society regarding technology and... Saiba Mais
II Research Group: smart cities
Brazilian researchers debating issues of the vanguard of the digital era. Saiba Mais
Blockchain: projects and products from ITS Rio
A small sample of our initiatives regarding blockchain technology. Saiba Mais
Brazil’s Internet Bill of Rights: A Closer Look
Different views on the creation and regulation of the Brazil's Internet Bill of Rights for the... Saiba Mais
Google Policy Fellowship Program in Latin America
Connecting international students from all levels and disciplines with civil society organisations. Saiba Mais
Algorithm Transparency and Governance: a case study of the Credit Bureau Sector
The present study assesses the way credit bureaus (‘CB’) make use of personal data. Saiba Mais
Amicus Curiae on the dangers of the ‘right to be forgotten’ in France
18 expert non-governmental organisations from across the world have filed legal submissions... Saiba Mais
Special series: Law and Internet in Brazil
Series of articles about Law and Internet in Brazil Saiba Mais
Brazil’s Internet Bill of Rights: Theory and Practice
Analysis of the debate, creation and implementation of Brazil's Internet Bill of Rights. Saiba Mais
Amicus curiae against blockages
Amicus curiae petitions filled to the Federal Supreme Court to end blockings practices. Saiba Mais
Mudamos Report: Public Security
Compilation of the debate cycle at Mudamos platform in 2016. Saiba Mais
Mudamos Report: Political Reform
Citizens' proposals for a democratic Political Reform Saiba Mais
Legal aspects of the sharing economy
Social function and trust: analysing the law in Brazil. Saiba Mais
My chip, my rights
Subcutaneous chips and its impacts upon the protection of privacy. Saiba Mais
Liability for Damage Caused by Content Produced by Third Parties
How are courts making internet providers liable in light of the Internet Bill of Rights? Saiba Mais
Digital Law: a Retrospective 2016
The ten highlights in digital rights in 2016. Saiba Mais
Courts should honour humour
Article published at ConJur about freedom of speech and humour. Saiba Mais
Public domain and Copyright Law in Brazil
Social, economic and legal of public domain in culture and in arts Saiba Mais
Copyright on the Internet and the use of Third Party Works
Internet and the need to rethink copyright globally Saiba Mais
Connectivity at Risk
Report on the impact of blockage of non-registered mobile phones in Brazil Saiba Mais
Cybercrimes Parliamentary Committee of Inquiry: an analysis
ITS Rio contribution to the Cybercrimes Parliamentary Committee of Inquiry Saiba Mais
Intensive Use of the Road System in São Paulo: an Economic Analysis
ITS Rio contribution to the public consultation on the intensive use of the road system Saiba Mais
Evaluation: Broadband at Schools Programme
Analysis on the precarious situation of connectivity in Brazilian Schools and proposals for... Saiba Mais
Charter of Human Rights and Principles for the Internet
Principles for the protection of human rights on the Internet. Saiba Mais
Analysing Brazil’s Internet Bill of Rights
ITS Rio contributed to the debate on Brazil's Internet Bill of Rights Saiba Mais
Copyright in Brazil: an analysis
Analysis of the Brazilian law on copyright and its impact on education Saiba Mais
Pokémon GO and Augmented Reality
Varanda ITS #27: virtual and augmented reality is already available for billions of people around... Saiba Mais
Avant-garde, Underground and Piracy
Varanda ITS #23: the history of the movements outside the system and how they transform it. Saiba Mais
Surveillance and the Internet
Varanda ITS #21: surveillance practices have become the rule. How can we protect ourselves? Saiba Mais
Privacy and Data Protection
Varanda ITS #19: Principles regarding global citizens' privacy. Saiba Mais
Smart: Fragmented Internet
Varanda ITS #18: how countries around the world created their own Internet(s). Saiba Mais
Hacking Policy in the Digital Age
Varanda ITS #15: data leaks, cyberwar and global crises. Saiba Mais
Why Information Grows?
Varanda ITS #12: the world is a large database of organized information. Saiba Mais
Participation, Democracy and Technology
Varanda ITS #11: the traditional democratic system is in crisis. It is necessary to experiment... Saiba Mais
Privacy and Surveillance
Varanda ITS #09: we gathered two of the most important organized groups against surveillance for... Saiba Mais
(Un)predictable future: first and second sessions
Varandas ITS #05: ITS Global Fellows present their visions on the Internet. Saiba Mais
Cybersecurity: China and the U.S.
Varanda ITS #01: China's great firewall and global cybersecurity. Saiba Mais
Copyright in the Digital World
A good way to respond to the challenges of digital technologies: keep it open. Saiba Mais
Rethinking Culture, Rights and Technology
Solutions to current paradoxes that will affect our near future Saiba Mais
Brazil’s Internet Bill of Rights: Practical Application
One of the most innovative Laws in the world in the area of regulation of the Internet explained Saiba Mais
Image Protection on the Internet
We share 2 billion images every day on the Internet. Who is entitled to this content? Saiba Mais
Freedom of Speech and Responsibility
Freedom of speech and hate speech: a Brazilian perspective Saiba Mais
Privacy: challenges and opportunities
There 's a searchlight over your head that lights up everything you do. Can you feel safe? Saiba Mais
Blockchain: theory and application
Understand the technology that attracted glances around the world Saiba Mais
Music Production: a legal perspective
An overview of the production chain of music for lawyers and the music industry Saiba Mais
Humour and Hate speech on the Internet
Course on the balance between responsibility and freedom in humor speech Saiba Mais
Journalism in the digital era
The new golden rules of journalism in the Digital Age Saiba Mais
Notes on the Creation and Impacts of Brazil’s Internet Bill of Rights
An overview of the process behind the creation of Brazil's Internet Bill of Rights Saiba Mais
Open Data: International Perspective
Article on the state of the Open Government Data initiative in Brazil Saiba Mais
Annual Report | 2016
Content referring to actions taken between 2014 and 2015. It brings a good sample of the... Saiba Mais
Big Data in Global South Project
Big Data challenges in the Global South: an analysis with a specific look at the Brazilian case Saiba Mais
What is Creative Commons
This book aims to discuss Creative Commons in a clear and accessible way for the international... Saiba Mais
Global Censorship: shifting modes, persisting paradigms
Fourth book in the Access to Knowledge (A2K) series, published by the Access to Knowledge Global... Saiba Mais
Designing Web 2.0 Tools for Online Public Consultation
How certain Web 2.0 tools can strengthen or minimize some aspects of political communication? Saiba Mais
Legal Position on the Right to be Forgotten
Position on right to be forgotten presented at Unesco by Ronaldo Lemos, Director of ITS Rio Saiba Mais
Multistakeholder as Governance Groups
ITS Rio's contribution to the publication "Multistakeholder as Governance Groups" Saiba Mais
Stakes are High: Brazil and the Future of the Internet
Essays to capture most of the Internet discussions that took place in the period prior to the... Saiba Mais
Artificial Intelligence, Algorithms, Big Data and Rights
Decision-making algorithms: rights and challenges Saiba Mais
MIT-Brasil Lemann Seed Fund
Building radically transformative online teaching methodologies Saiba Mais
Cybersecurity, Rights and Brazil’s Internet Bill of Rights
Ensuring that demands for more security do not weaken the protection of fundamental rights Saiba Mais
Rio Mozilla Club
Lan Houses as multidisciplinary spaces for creation and implementation of ideas Saiba Mais
Connectivity at Schools
Internet as a key asset for better education in Brazil's public schools Saiba Mais
Connectivity at risk: Access to the internet as a right
Internet access is a fundamental right that must be preserved in Brazil and in the world Saiba Mais
I Research Group: privacy
Brazilian researchers debating issues of the vanguard of the digital era Saiba Mais
Enabling a democracy based on participatory technologies for the inclusion of citizens Saiba Mais
Network of Centers (NoC)
Integrated research network on technology, Internet and Law to leverage global positive impacts Saiba Mais
Ranking Digital Rights
Ranking the best and worst companies with regard to their digital rights Saiba Mais
Creative Commons in Brazil
A copyright license to help Brazil democratize the access to knowledge Saiba Mais
Developing Freedom of Expression
Ensure freedom of expression and study potential risks to this right Saiba Mais
Marco Civil da Internet (Brazilian Civil Rights Framework for the Internet)
The Law That Made Brazil a Worldwide Example of Internet Governance Counted with The Support of... Saiba Mais
“Login Cidadão”: creation and terms of use
Protection of privacy in the unification of citizens databases Saiba Mais
SpamDoc: Porta 25 TCP/IP
Brazil was the world champion in spam before the CGI's initiative. Saiba Mais
Bitcoin Hub
An active community to think and create projects based on cryptocurrencies Saiba Mais
Innovation Week: Brazilian Case Studies
Open and closed meetings to study and develop a more innovative and democratic Brazil Saiba Mais
Big Data in the Global South International Workshop
Meeting to reflect on the potential risks of Big Data without a legislative framework for the... Saiba Mais
Mudamos: Electronic Signatures
Sign bills of popular initiative by using your mobile phone Saiba Mais
Democracy and Technology Expert Meeting
ITS brought together experts from around the world to create solutions based on technology for... Saiba Mais